Plugin Download and Installation

If you purchase the plugin from our website,, you must follow these instructions:


After purchasing the plugin through our website, you will receive two emails.

  1. The first will provide a link to download the plugin and your license key. Keep your license key safe!
  2. The second will provide an invoice for your purchase. You can also download it as a PDF invoice for your records right from the email by clicking Your PDF Invoice.
  3. Download the plugin’s .zip from the provided link.


You can easily install the plugin like any other WordPress plugin. From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance>Plugins>Add New and click on Upload Plugin. Locate the .zip file on your computer and click Install Now.

Activate the Plugin Using License Key

  1. After activating the plugin, you will be redirected to a license activation screen for the plugin. 
  2. Enter the key provided in your email and click Agree & Activate License.

Attention: This guideline is only applicable if you buy this plugin from