Video Carousel

Add Video Carousel module

Step 1:

Go to the page and click Enable Visual Builder. Click Add new section and choose the row.

Step 2:

Click (+) icon “Add new module”, then “Insert module” will appear. From this section go to the search bar and search “Video Carousel”. Select “Video Carousel”.

Step 3:

  1. Go to the Content tab
  2. Click (+) Icon “Add New Item”
  3.  Give a video Title (optional)
  4. Add an image for Overlay Image (Recoamamed)
  5. Video Type: Select the video platform Youtube, or Vimeo. (private video will not work)
  6. Go to YouTube and copy YouTube video URL (not from the share button)

Step 4:

Go to the Design tab from the settings section and customize your content and elements.

Responsive Settings 

  1. Content > Carousel Settings
  2. Slides to Show > Click “Responsive Icon” (e.g. a smartphone icon).
  3. Set the value for each of the Devices.