Instagram Feed

The Divi Torque Pro plugin’s “Divi Instagram Feed” module is the ultimate choice for enhancing your Instagram feed within the Divi Theme. It offers a range of features, including responsiveness, custom profile picture display, custom bio and follow button integration, support for captions, and a convenient load more button. This module effectively showcases the Instagram photos uploaded by the authenticated user.

Video Tutorial

How to Generate Access Token
How to Generate Access Token

Instagram Access Token Integration
Instagram Access Token Integration

Design Instagram Feed
Design Instagram Feed
Key Information
Main FeatureDisplay Instagram photos uploaded by the authenticated user
Instagram Reels SupportNO
Instagram  Video SupportNO
Hashtag SupportNO
Data Stored by any Third PartyNO
Instagram Profile PictureManual settings and options
Instagram Auth Account Feed DisplayInstagram auth user’s uploaded pictures

Table of Content

I) Requirements

II) Required URLs

III) Facebook’s Off-Facebook Activity Settings

IV) Generate Token

V) Token Integration

VI) Insert the Instagram Feed module

VII) Features in Instagram Feed

VIII) Design Instagram Feed

I) Requirements

1) WordPress Version: 6.3 or higher

2) PHP Version: 7.4 or higher

3) Divi Theme or Divi Builder 

4) Divi Torque Pro Plugin

5) Facebook Account

6) Facebook Developers Account

7) Public Instagram Account

II)Required URLs 

1) Facebook: 

2) Facebook Developers Account: 

3) Instagram: 

III) Facebook’s Off-Facebook Activity Settings

1) Go to and login to your account

2) Settings & privacy > Click on Settings

3) Your Facebook information > Off-Facebook activity

4) Manage future activity > Select Connect future activity > Click on Confirm

Or you can follow this: Navigating and Managing Facebook’s Off-Facebook Activity Settings

IV)Generate Token

Step 1: Same Browser 

Open your Facebook Account, Instagram Account, and Facebook Developers account on the same browser. 

Step 2: Facebook Developers Account
a) Go to Facebook Developers Account:

b) Click “Get Started” and open a Facebook Developers account

Step 3: Create App
a)Click “Create App” 

b) What do you want your app to do? select “Other” and click “Next”

c) Select an app type: select  “Consumer”

d) Click the “Next” button
e) Add an app name: Give any name, e.g. webDevToken

f) Click the “Create app” button

g) Insert your password and click submit

Step 4: Add Your Website

a) App Settings > Basic > Add Platform 

b) Then select the “Website” option and click “Next”

c) On the ‘Site URL” field, add your website URL and click “Save Changes” 

Step 5: Set Up the Instagram Basic Display

a) Add Product > Instagram Basic Display > Set Up

b) Create New App > Create app

c) Instagram Basic Display > Basic Display 

Valid OAuth Redirect URIs: YOUR WEBSITE URL


Data Deletion Requests: YOUR WEBSITE URL 

Click “Save changes”

NOTE: Must keep https:// on the URL.

Step 6: Add Instagram Account

a) App roles > Roles > Add People 

b) Instagram Tester > Your Instagram Username  > Select Your account > Add

c) Go to your Instagram account 

d) Edit Profile > Apps and websites > Tester Invites > Accept 

Step 7: Generate Token 

a)Instagram Basic Display > Basic Display > Generate Token 

b) The Instagram Login window will appear

Insert username and password and click “Log in” button  

C) Now Click “Allow”

d) Tik mark  “I Understand” and copy the token 

V) Token Integration

1) Go to the Divi Torque dashboard 

2) Integration > Insert Token > Link user

VI) Insert the Instagram Feed module

1) Add “Torq Instagram Feed”

2) Content > Source > Instagram User

VII)Features in Instagram Feed

1) Responsive support: Content > Layout, Number of Columns & Columns Gap

2) Headr Support: Content > Header, Profile Picture, Custom Bio and Follow Button display

3) Caption Support: Content > Caption. And Caption can Trim

4) Load More Button Support and Custom text support for the Load More button.

VIII) Design Instagram Feed

1) Use this option and settings and customize the Design Instagram Feed.

2) Using the Design Option and Settings you can achieve your desired Instagram Feed showcase.